Posts tagged ‘cigar smoking’

May 23, 2011

Trying to Quit Smoking Cigarettes

We have talked about cigar being a “healthier” version of smoking, so looking at the information we might be able to conclude that cigars could be a good transition from cigarettes to quitting.  One reason smoking cigars has become so intriguing is due to the culture and process that surrounds them.  You could use the ritual of lighting and enjoying the cigar as a step down off cigarettes.  Now let me clarify something first, this is a hypothesis.  I have never smoked cigarettes and have never tried to quit them, just thought of this through the facts presented.

We will start with the fact that tobacco leaves have nicotine in them, where do you think then get it from.  Cigarette companies gather and compound the nicotine from the leaves and add it to their products, making them more addictive.  Concluding that cigarettes have more nicotine then cigars.  Cigars do have nicotine, just not a lot.  This leads me to my first point, by smoking less cigarettes and smoking more cigars, you will be weaning off the nicotine while still getting your fix.

My next thought is the process and procedure of smoking a cigar.  Your just done light it, puff a few times and pitch it.  It takes a few min to light it evenly without ruining the taste.  Follow that with smoking the stick over a period of one to three hours.  Keep in mind the fact that puffing a cigar needs to be spread out over time, smoking it too fast will make it burn too hot which will trash all the complicated flavors of the cigar.

This is just one hypothesis and I would like to hear other people’s thoughts about it, so what do you thing?  On paper it should work but will it be strong enough to fight that compounded nicotine addiction?  You tell me…