Archive for ‘DormRoom Chef’

March 30, 2011

Dorm Room Chef- BBQ Lil Smokies

Dorm Room Chief  BBQ Lil Smokies

BBQ Lil Smokies  is a great party dish that can break up the usually monotony of chips and dip. This dish has been used at multiple sporting events with great reactions.

BBQ Lil Smokies (Serves-5 to 6)

Whats Needed

  • Slow Cooker
  • One 28 oz bottle of your favorite BBQ sauce
  • 2 packs of 14 oz Lil Smokies

To create this dish the first thing to do is add the bottle of BBQ sauce with the Lil Smokies in the slow cooker. The next step is to turn the slow cooker to its highest setting and periodically stir the dish. For this dish to cook properly it needs to simmer for a couple of hours.  To get the full effect of this dish it needs to cook for about three hours.  If eaten after two hours the lil smokies will be done depending on your slow cooker, but the extra time allows the them to absorb some of the flavor of the BBQ sauce and adds a whole new level to this dish.  Because the cooking time can vary depending on the cooker I recommend taking out one of the lil smokies and cutting it open and checking that it is cooked all the way through. Now if your worried about all the steps and the complex cooking instructions don’t fret, just take your time and you’ll get through it.

February 13, 2011

Dorm Room Chef- Cheese Dip

This dip is an affordable and flavorful choice for your next gathering. In fact I made this for my last super bowl party and received noting but compliments which ranged from amazing to absolutely outstanding.

Cheese Dip (Should serve 4-8)

What’s Needed?

  • Velveeta Cheese (Two Pounds)
  • Ground Beef (One Pound)
  • Salsa (12 to 16oz)
  • Crock Pot
  • You will also need some way to brown the beef.

First we will slice the cheese into one half-inch blocks.  Since the crock pot is off at this time, we can place the cheese blocks directly into it while slicing them. After the cheese has been sliced the next step would be to brown the beef.  To do this we can either use a hot plate if possible, or in a pinch use the microwave. If using a microwave make sure to use a microwave safe container, and break up the beef before placing it in the container. While microwaving make sure to stir every couple of minutes. Once the meat is successfully cooked it can be placed  in the crock pot with the cheese, also turn the heat on the crock pot to high. For the first hour let the cheese melt with the beef, while stirring periodically (If the cheese is not completely melted wait until it is to move on). Once the cheese has melted add the Salsa and stir.  The dip is now done so turn the heat on the crock pot to medium so the dip will not burn around the edges.   ENJOY
