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April 7, 2011

Under Appreciated Man Movies: EQUILIBRIUM


Equilibrium, made in 2002, flew a little under the radar, over shadowed by similar movies like the Matrix franchise.  It didn’t receive the credit it deserved even though it was given two thumbs up by Ebert and Roeper.  Equilibrium does have some Cons but they are far over shadowed by its pros, both of which will be highlighted here.

Pros: The pros of this movie are straight forward, this movie is an action packed adrenaline pumping flick from start to finish. This film also had some small parts with emotion that tugs at the heart without making it soft, only adding to the story and depth.  Overall, the watcher will be treated to a great movie that will keep you entertained and guessing until the end.

Cons: Largely the cons seen in this movie are some of the sound effects come off cheesy and poorly put together. At these times it can pull the watcher out of the movie. Also it has to be taken into account that this is a Sci-fi movie which at times turns off some viewers but if that stops some they are truly missing out.

Storyline: At the end of World War III, the world fell under the control of Father and the Tetragrammaton: a government that outlaws all forms of art and emotion. Citizens are forced to take drugs that eliminate emotions. However, “Sense Offenders”: citizens who resist the laws and operate underground are continually at war with the Tetragrammaton. John Preston is a Cleric, an elite super-soldier whose mission is to hunt down and eliminate Sense Offenders with the help of a ruthless police force. One day, Preston accidentally breaks his morning dose of emotion suppressant drug and begins to feel. Soon, he begins sympathizing with the Sense Offenders and begins to understand the beauty of feeling… A beauty that the government, in which Preston spent his life serving, would like to see destroyed. Written by redcommander27

Works Cited

redcommander.  ”Plot Summary for Equilibrium”.

March 30, 2011

Dorm Room Chef- BBQ Lil Smokies

Dorm Room Chief  BBQ Lil Smokies

BBQ Lil Smokies  is a great party dish that can break up the usually monotony of chips and dip. This dish has been used at multiple sporting events with great reactions.

BBQ Lil Smokies (Serves-5 to 6)

Whats Needed

  • Slow Cooker
  • One 28 oz bottle of your favorite BBQ sauce
  • 2 packs of 14 oz Lil Smokies

To create this dish the first thing to do is add the bottle of BBQ sauce with the Lil Smokies in the slow cooker. The next step is to turn the slow cooker to its highest setting and periodically stir the dish. For this dish to cook properly it needs to simmer for a couple of hours.  To get the full effect of this dish it needs to cook for about three hours.  If eaten after two hours the lil smokies will be done depending on your slow cooker, but the extra time allows the them to absorb some of the flavor of the BBQ sauce and adds a whole new level to this dish.  Because the cooking time can vary depending on the cooker I recommend taking out one of the lil smokies and cutting it open and checking that it is cooked all the way through. Now if your worried about all the steps and the complex cooking instructions don’t fret, just take your time and you’ll get through it.

February 27, 2011

Bad Ass of the Month- Dr. Leonid Rogozov

Name: Dr. Leonid Ivanovich Rogozov

Age: 27 (In 1961)

Location: Antarctica (Novolazarevskaya Base)

Badass Credentials: Preformed appendectomy on himself.

Fists: 3 out of 5



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February 20, 2011

5 Movies All Men Should See

Note: These  are in no particular order.

1.) Animal House

  • Made in 1978 about fraternity college life in the 60’s; this film is still hailed as one of, if not the funniest movies off all time. But one of greatest things about this movie is a little known fact that this movie was such low-budget that they could only shoot each shot once. With this being said, some of the best parts of this movie were mistakes that were not supposed to happen. For example when John Belushi’s character is trying to sneak into the dean’s office and slips on the grass, that was real and the director is in the back ground yelling  “get up, get up”. Another little tidbit, if your like me and enjoy seeing little mistakes, watch the golf  bag in the scene where some of the fraternity brothers are  hitting golf balls at the ROTC drills. By not seeing this movie your missing out on some big laughs.
  • Storyline: Faber College has one frat house so disreputable it will take anyone named Delta House. It has a second one full of white, Anglo-Saxon, rich young men who are so sanctimonious no one can stand them except Dean Wormer. The dean enlists the help of the second frat to get the boys of Delta House off campus. This film gives high-jinks and fooling around a bad name.  The dean’s plan comes into play just before the homecoming parade to end all parades for all time. Written by John Vogel <>
  • Man-Morale: Don’t get mad get even.

2.) The Godfather (Trilogy)

  • These movies I combined because the first two could possibly be two of the greatest movies ever made. The third on the other hand could have never been made and I don’t think any one would be really upset.  So if you don’t have time to see it or never get to it don’t worry your not missing out. Back to the first two movies, these are led by an all-star cast including Marlon Brando, Al Pacino, James Caan, Robert Duvall, Diane Keaton, Abe Vigoda, and Talia Shire. Spoiler Alert- they might not all be in both movies. The first and second movies have a great story and great direction from Francis Ford Coppola, with a mixture of awesome action and gore, so let’s be honest what else do men need.
  • Storyline: (Godfather Part I) The story begins as “Don” Vito Corleone, the head of a New York Mafia “family”, oversees his daughter’s wedding. His beloved son Michael has just come home from the war, but does not intend to become part of his father’s business. Through Michael’s life the nature of the family business becomes clear. The business of the family is just like the head of the family, kind and benevolent to those who give respect, but given to ruthless violence whenever anything stands against the good of the family. Don Vito lives his life in the way of the old country, but times are changing and some don’t want to follow the old ways and look out for community and “family”.  An up and coming rival of the Corleone family wants to start selling drugs in New York, and needs the Don’s influence to further his plan. The clash of the Don’s fading old world values and the new ways will demand a terrible price, especially from Michael, all for the sake of the family. Written by Charlie Ness
  • Storyline: (Godfather Part II) The continuing saga of the Corleone crime family tells the story of a young Vito Corleone growing up in Sicily and in 1910s New York; and follows Michael Corleone in the 1950s as he attempts to expand the family business into Las Vegas, Hollywood and Cuba. Written by Keith Loh
  • Man-Morale: A man does what he needs to do to protect his family regardless of what he wants to do, or how he feels.

3.) Caddyshack

  • Another movie hailed as one of the funniest of all time is Caddyshack made in 1980 , and led by another all-star cast including Chevy Chase, Rodney Dangerfield, and Bill Murray. This movie is also known as a golf movie even though the movie has very little golf. Definitely watch it but just as a warning, you will never look at a Baby Ruth candy bar the same.
  • Storyline: Comical goings on at an exclusive golf club. All the members are wealthy and eccentric, and all the staff are poor and slightly less eccentric. The main character is ‘Danny’; he’s a caddy who will do almost anything to raise money to go to college. There are many subplots, including the assistant green keeper’s pursuit of a cute (obviously stuffed) gopher. Written by Rob Hartill
  • Man-Morale: It’s in the hole!

4.) Braveheart

  • A 1995 movie led by Mel Gibson before his breakdown, but actually there are some sences where he looks crazy, maybe he wasn’t acting. Braveheart is based on a true story which makes it a little more awesome, and while the movie does take some liberties it really doesn’t take away from the story even by learning what the liberties are. This movie is an action packed biography/ Drama, but the key word is action lots and lots of action and it shows what lengths a man will go for freedom.  A little side note I just learned that the blue paint they wore into battle was not just for intimidation it was an antiseptic that they would rub into cuts that they would receive in battle.
  • Storyline: William Wallace is a Scottish rebel who leads an uprising against the cruel English ruler Edward the Longshanks, who wishes to inherit the crown of Scotland for himself. When he was a young boy, William Wallace’s father and brother, along with many others, lost their lives trying to free Scotland. Once he loses another of his loved ones, William Wallace begins his long quest to make Scotland free once and for all, along with the assistance of Robert the Bruce. Written by David Landers <>
  • Man-Morale: FREEDOM!


5.) Saving Private Ryan

  • This movie is billed as an action, drama, and history film and it is every thing that it says it is. With Tom Hanks at the helm in some of his best work, and Steven Spielberg directing this movie can’t lose. This movie is a very vivid look into the violence of war, specifically World War Two. It shows the storming of the beaches at Normandy almost as if your a soilder there. It shows the fear that was present, the massive loss of life, and just the craziness all around, not just from that battle but the whole war.  I don’t want to give too much about this movie away but I do recommend watching it in the dark with an awesome surround sound system that will give the full effect.
  • Storyline: Opening with the Allied invasion of Normandy on 6 June 1944, members of the 2nd Ranger Battalion under Cpt. Miller fight ashore to secure a beachhead. Amidst the fighting, two brothers are killed in action. Earlier in New Guinea, a third brother is KIA. Their mother, Mrs. Ryan, is to receive all three of the grave telegrams on the same day. The United States Army Chief of Staff, George C. Marshall, is given an opportunity to alleviate some of her grief when he learns of a fourth brother, Private James Ryan, and decides to send out 8 men (Cpt. Miller and select members from 2nd Rangers) to find him and bring him back home to his mother… Written by J.Zelman
  • Man-Morale: A true man can overcome fear and move forward when others stop.

Works Citid

Vogel, John.  “Plot Summary for Amimal House”.

Ness, Charlie.  “Plot Summary for Godfather”.

Loh, Keith.  “Plot Summary for The Godfather: Part II”.

Hartill, Rob.  “Plot Summary for Caddyshack”.

Landers, David.  “Plot Summary for Braveheart”.

Zelman, J..  “Plot Summary for Saving Private Ryan”.

February 19, 2011

Theodore Roosevelt

“It is not the critic who counts; nor the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood, who strives valiantly; who errs and comes up short again and again; because there is not effort without error or shortcomings; but who actually strive to do the deed; who knows the great enthusiasm, the great devotion who spends himself in a worthy cause, who at best knows in the end the triumph of high achievement and who at worst if he fails, at least fails while daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who know neither victory nor defeat.”  –Theodore Roosevelt

February 13, 2011

Dorm Room Chef- Cheese Dip

This dip is an affordable and flavorful choice for your next gathering. In fact I made this for my last super bowl party and received noting but compliments which ranged from amazing to absolutely outstanding.

Cheese Dip (Should serve 4-8)

What’s Needed?

  • Velveeta Cheese (Two Pounds)
  • Ground Beef (One Pound)
  • Salsa (12 to 16oz)
  • Crock Pot
  • You will also need some way to brown the beef.

First we will slice the cheese into one half-inch blocks.  Since the crock pot is off at this time, we can place the cheese blocks directly into it while slicing them. After the cheese has been sliced the next step would be to brown the beef.  To do this we can either use a hot plate if possible, or in a pinch use the microwave. If using a microwave make sure to use a microwave safe container, and break up the beef before placing it in the container. While microwaving make sure to stir every couple of minutes. Once the meat is successfully cooked it can be placed  in the crock pot with the cheese, also turn the heat on the crock pot to high. For the first hour let the cheese melt with the beef, while stirring periodically (If the cheese is not completely melted wait until it is to move on). Once the cheese has melted add the Salsa and stir.  The dip is now done so turn the heat on the crock pot to medium so the dip will not burn around the edges.   ENJOY

February 2, 2011

Fighting- Archie Griffin

“It’s not the size of the dog in the fight, but the size of the fight in the dog.”

-Archie Griffin