Posts tagged ‘Beer’

March 17, 2011

Cigars and Cigarettes

They both have tobacco and are cylinder shaped, those are the only similarities between a cigar and a cigarette.  If looking at theses two tobacco stick from a natural standpoint, cigars are healthier.  Cigars are 100% all natural tobacco or closes enough to say, while cigarettes have a list of odd and deadly ingredients.  Add that fact that cigars have such a low level of Nicotine that they aren’t anywhere close to the addictive power of cigarettes.  So if your wife, girlfriend, or parents want you to quick smoking then stick a log of pure, rolled tobacco leaf  in your mouth and light up.

Now that you have come to the light lets make sure you are smoking it right.  Do not tap or shake or anything else to the cigar, you want the cherry and the ash on the cigar.  The ash will help it burn evenly and keeps the temperature under control.  Let the ash fall off when it’s ready.

Just let the ash lie

Another tip to remember is how often to puff it.  I know that taste way better when you light it correctly (view other Humidor posts) and when you look at the stick, you become inspired to go to town on it but don’t.  Keeping the temperature controlled is key.  The more puff taken from it, the more air cycling through the cigar.  This increase in air raises the temperature of the cigar which burns the tobacco leafs destroying the flavor.  So take deep puffs and let it sit for 30 sec to a min, this gives it a chance to cool down allowing it  to find that perfect smoking temperature.

Remember these tips next time your on the golf course or at a bar, or just in a hot tub with a beer.  These simple changes will increase the pleaser while making you look good in front of your friends.